Download Re-Loader Actvator v2.0 RC 5 Terbaru

Download Re-Loader Actvator v2.0 RC 5 Terbaru 
Download Re-Loader Actvator v2.0 RC 5 Terbaru – Re-Loader activator merupakan sebuah software activator windows terbaik yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengaktifkan semua jenis windows baik itu windows xp, windows vista, windows server, windows 7, windows 8 bahkan sampai windows 10 yang terbaru dapat kita aktifkan dengan software ini.
Selain untuk semua jenis windows, re-loader activator ini juga dapat anda gunakan untuk mengaktifkan office. Berikut informasi yang lengkap mengenai produk windows sama office yang dapat di aktifkan menggunakan reloader activator v2.0 rc 5 terbaru 2015 ini.
Windows Xp
* Home Edition SP3
* Professional SP3
* Media Center Edition 2005 SP3
Windows Vista
* Enterprise
* EnterpriseN
* Business
* BusinessN
* Starter
* Home Basic
* Home BasicN
* Home Premium
* Ultimate
Windows 7
* Enterprise
* EnterpriseN
* EnterpriseE
* Starter
* Home Basic
* Home Premium
* Professional
* ProfessionalN
* Ultimate
Windows 8
* Enterprise
* EnterpriseN
* Core
* CoreN
* CoreARM
* CoreCountrySpecIFic
* CoreSingleLanguage
* Professional
* ProfessionalWMC
* ProfessionalN
Windows 8.1 Preview
* Enterprise
* EnterpriseN
* Core
* CoreN
* CoreARM
* CoreCountrySpecIFic
* CoreSingleLanguage
* Professional
* ProfessionalWMC
* ProfessionalN
Windows 8.1 RTM
* Enterprise
* EnterpriseN
* Professional
* ProfessionalN
* ProfessionalWMC
* Core
* CoreConnected
* CoreConnectedN
* CoreConnectedSingleLanguage
* CoreConnectedCountrySpecific
* ProfessionalStudent
* ProfessionalStudentN
* CoreARM
* CoreN
* CoreSingleLanguage
* CoreCountrySpecific
* EmbeddedIndustryA
* EmbeddedIndustryE
* EmbeddedIndustry
Windows 10 TP
* Enterprise
* Professional
* Server
Windows Server 2008
* ServerDatacenter
* ServerDatacenterV
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseV
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* ServerStandard
* ServerStandardV
* ServerComputeCluster
* ServerWeb
Windows Server 2008 R2
* ServerDatacenter
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* ServerStandard
* ServerEmbeddedSolution
* ServerHPC
* ServerWeb
Windows Server 2012
* ServerDatacenter
* ServerStandard
* ServerMultiPointPremium
* ServerMultiPointStandard
Windows Server 2012 R2
* ServerStandardCore
* ServerStandard
* ServerDatacenterCore
* ServerDatacenter
* SolutionCore
* Solution
* ServerCloudStorageCore
* ServerCloudStorage
Windows 10
* Professional
* Professional N
* Education
* Education N
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB N
* Home
* Home N
* Home Single Language
* Home Country Specific
Windows 10 TP
* Home Connected
* Home Connected N
* Home Connected Single Language
* Home Connected Country Specific
* Professional Student
* Professional Student N
* Professional 2015 LTSB
* Professional 2015 LTSB N
* Home ARM
* Professional WMC
Windows Server 2016 Next-Gen
* ServerARM64
* ServerHI
Microsoft Office
-Office 2013
-Office 2010
-Office 2015
-Office 2016
NB : Re-loader Activator 2.0 ini membutuhkan net framework 4.0, jadi sebelum menggunakan re-loader activator ini, komputer/netbook/leptop anda mesti sudah terinstal net framework !!
Full Version
What’s New:

  • Added theme for the visually impaired , и viewable only with issues of high contrast .
  • Fixed a problem with global variables .
  • Happy Holidays ( who celebrates ) .
